A finance lease is a powerful tool for investments
The President of Ukraine has recently signed the new law “On finance lease”. The law outlines clear rules and protects the parties in finance lease operations. Such protection was “vague” before. YuliaKozlenko, a senior manager of Millstone&Co, the International Investment company, expressed this opinion.
Harmonization of Ukrainian laws with international rules and standards is a good drive for small and medium businesses to use this financing tool.
According to the expert now the lease takes a small share of the Ukrainian financial market, about 7%. However, a finance lease has a huge potential for capital investments.
Ms. Kozlenkoemphasized that both the laws and the regulator should be adjustive to the volatile financial market and create favorable conditions for market development to attract foreign investors.
Millstone&Co., the International Investment company, has a license for finance lease operations in Ukraine. Our professional team is ready to provide you with financial expertise and boost your business development. Follow the link to use our services https://millstone-co.eu/uk/services/investitsiyi/