Millstone&Co Investment Company raised over Euro 8 M for PGP Glassworks
Millstone&Co (Poland, Ukraine), a private investment company, raised Euro 8.2 M for 5 years for the Ukrainian PGP Glassworks company (Glassworks in Piskivka village, Ukraine). The rate is 6.25%. The funds were raised with a credit line.
As Andrey Bozhenko, a senior project manager of Millstone&Co in Ukraine noted debt capital will allow PGP Glassworks to have turnover funds and, that is important, to pay back very expensive loans taken before.
“Today investors from Europe are very cautious to invest into Ukrainian business that is why, we are sure that the conditions Millstone&Co raised funds for PGP Glassworks are very good”, – Mr. Bozhenko highlighted.
Millstone&Co is a private investment company that provides traditional investment-related services to its clients. The company has offices in Warsaw, Krakow, and Kyiv.